Portal, AZ - Rodeo, NM

Serving The Communities Of Portal and Rodeo  (www.portal-rodeo.com)

The eight hikers returned to the junction and went south along the Bear Wallow Trail to Round Park, just south of Fly Peak. Most continued from there along the Crest Trail back to Five Points, enjoying the views to the west. Two hikers elected to take the Fly Peak Trail up and over the peak, meeting the other at Five Points. Together, we followed the Long Park Trail and then the road back to Rustler Park. Three hikers who wanted a shorter day got almost five miles. The rest got a little over nine miles. All at or above 9000 ft. elevation!

Next week, meet at 9 AM at the Silver Peak trailhead. We will arrange vehicles to do some shuttling so that we can hike the Basin Trail from Forest Road 42 to where it connects with the Greenhouse Trail, then get driven back to our starting point. This is a low-elevation hike that traverses the base of the mountain range. 

The 62 Highest Peaks, Mountains, Hills, And Lookouts In The Chiricahuas

(Tabulated by Ray Brooks)

(Form Necessary To Work With Trail Crew)

Download - Complete - Mail

To volunteer with the US Forest Service, fill out an application. If accepted, a Volunteer Service Agreement specifying the task(s) will be sent to you.
DOWNLOAD THE FORM. Print it, fill out, sign in block 23, and date. You can scan a signed document and e-mail it toArmando Arvizu at:             armando.arvizu@usda.gov

You can also mail the form to Armando at the Douglas Ranger District Office:

1192 W. Saddle View Rd.  Douglas, AZ 85607

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Hike For February 13 - Basin Trail

Meet: Silver Peak Parking Lot at 9:00 am

Carol Simon  (520) 558-2433  casimon@vtc.net 

Elaine Moisan (520) 558-5204 emoisan2011@hotmail.com

Elly Van Gelderen (520) 558-3715 or  ellyvangelderen@asu.edu 
